Lawn Installation: Four Essential Guidelines for Preparing Your Site

If you are planning on planting grass in your home, you should prepare your site correctly. If the natural turf is installed on a poorly prepared surface, it will fail prematurely. In simple terms, the roots will not penetrate the ground, and the young grass will not absorb nutrients as expected. Consequently, the grass will be unhealthy, or it might not grow at all. If you are carrying out this type of project for the first time, you should consider using these practical tips for preparing the ground.

Clear the Outdoor Space

You should clear the outdoor space around your home thoroughly in preparation for your lawn installation project. In general, the presence of foreign objects in your yard will interfere with the penetration of the roots. Additionally, the aesthetics of your new lawn could be compromised by random waste objects. Clear the yard of materials such as bricks, concrete blocks, pavers, wood and stones. You should also remove old tree stumps.

Rough Grade Your Site

You should rough grade your lawn installation site after clearing the debris. Rough grading is essential because it will eliminate drainage problems. If this process is not performed, you might find water pooling in some areas or flowing in the wrong direction. Ideally, you should use a box blade mounted on a tractor for this process. Grade the site to allow water to flow away from your house's foundation. You should also fill in low areas and reduce steep slopes.

Till the Ground

You should till the ground to loosen the soil for the establishment of grass. This process is essential in site preparation because it prevents and limits the growth of weeds. It will also alleviate the compaction of soil which prevents the deep penetration of roots. In addition, it will permit the proper bonding of the topsoil and subsoil. Consequently, the foundation of the lawn will be firm, allowing for optimal root growth and water movement.

Amend the Soil

You should amend the soil before planting your natural turf. Ideally, you should commission a soil test to determine the type of amendments which should be incorporated into your land. You should add some organic matter and fertiliser to your soil to enrich it. This practice ensures that the earth has enough nutrients for the grass. You might also need to add sulphur or lime to adjust the pH of your soil if your land is highly basic or acidic.

Finally, you should work the amendments into the soil and grade the site. 
